Just me and my old guitar.
Oleander - CBC Top 20/Reckless Heart/High Praise for 'A Way Through Time'
I wanted to share this with The Record Club first. I had Mitch Nybo from DogDriverMedia come over to my basement and film me singing a few songs. We worked our way through Oleander and Reckless Heart with a plan to do some more in the coming weeks. My goal was to share a version of these songs with you where it’s just me and my guitar, the way many of you have seen me perform over the years and allowing the lyrics to hit home even a touch more.
So to start it all out, Reckless Heart - live in the basement (a working title but it’s working). A special thanks to Mitch for all the time and energy put into helping create these and for being such a great hang.
I hope this draw you in even more to a song about loving with reckless abandon, giving it all and finding a deeper connection - ‘You gotta give it all away to make it count for something’.
So it’s been a month since I’ve released ‘A Way Through Time’. As I’ve said before, I’m so grateful to everyone who’s listened, passed it along and sent me a message. There’s been over 240k streams so far and counting! Which is just so cool to know that people can still find their way to my music. So I wanted to share a couple cool things that are rolling along…
CBC Music has added Oleander to their TOP 20.
Now it needs your help climbing up the chart (Just like we did a few months back with Bad Feelings)! This chart does matter in Canadian music so please give it a bunch of votes and tell your CBC music listeners to vote this tune to the very top. Let’s get CBC’s attention and hopefully the rest of Canada too!
AmericanaUK had some incredibly kinda things to say about ‘A Way Through Time’. They’ve even used some big words that I had to look up just to make sure it was actually a good thing. I’m very grateful to Jonathan Smith at AmericanaUK (I owe him a beer for sure). Reading reviews like this really help solidify in my heart the approach I took to writing these tunes, and then how Jer Friensen, Jay Stewart and I recorded them…It was all about intention and focusing on each song as a piece.
Also, last week I sat down with Andrew Shaver from When We Wake in Halifax on Cove FM. We had an extensive chat about the album, life and a little hockey talk... I dive deep into some topics here so worth checking out.
That’s it, that’s all folks! At least for now…